

Hasan PEZÜK _ Director General of TCDD, _ Chairman of the Board, _ RAME Chairman
Seyed MIAD SALEHI _ Vice-Minister for Roads and Urban development, _ President of RAI, Chairman of the Board, _ RAME Vice-Chairman
Bashar EL MALIK _ Chief Executive Officer of SAR, _ RAME Vice-Chairman


François DAVENNE _ UIC, Director general
Marc Guigon _ UIC, RAME Coordinator
Hakan GÜNEL _ UIC, Senior Advisor
Beatrix PERROT _ UIC, Assistant

Middle-East Management Committee (MEMC)

Chairman: TCDD (Turkey)
Vice-Chairman: RAI (Iran)
Vice-Chairman: SAR (Saudi-Arabia)
Member: JHR (Jordan)
Member: MoEI (United Arab Emirates)

According to UIC Statutes, 6 UIC Regions (including Middle East) will hold powers and responsibilities
to determine their regional strategy, their action plans and regional budget and approve projects on
specific regional issues.
The Regional Assemblies shall comprise representatives of all UIC Members of that region.

RAME Members are the railway administration of Turkey (TCDD), Railway of Islamic Republic of Iran (RAI),
Railway of Syria (CFS and SHR), Railways of Saudi Arabia (SAR) and Transport General Administration of
Saudi Arabia (TGA), Railways of Jordan (JHR and ARC), Railways of Afghanistan (ARA), Railways of Iraq
(IRR), Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure in United Arab Emirates (MoEI), Railways of Israel (ISR),
TCDD Transport (Turkey) and Kafriz (Iran)

The RAME Chairmanship is performed by Turkey Railway (TCDD) and its vice-chairmanship is carried out by
the railways of Iran (RAI) and Saudi Arabia (SAR). According to UIC Statutes, the Middle East Region
will be represented by those 3 members in the UIC Executive Board and therefore RAME appointed members
in Executive Boards are:

  • Turkey Railways (TCDD), represented by Mr. Hasan PEZÜK, Director General of TCDD, Chairman of the Board, RAME Chairman
  • Iranian Railways (RAI), represented by Mr. Seyed MIAD SALEHI, Vice-Minister for Roads and Urban development, President of RAI, Chairman of the Board, RAME Vice-Chairman
  • Saudi Railway Company (SAR), represented by Mr. Bashar EL MALIK, Chief Executive Officer of SAR, RAME Vice-Chairman »

The Regional Assembly Middle East (RAME) is the highest and supreme decision making body with regard to
all regional issues. Its meetings are convened twice annually and hosted by its members. According to
the Terms of Reference of the Region, a Middle-East Management Committee prepare the decisions of the
plenary sessions.

The activities of RAME which are mostly defined and ratified in terms of its annual Action Plans can
range from technical and operational issues to commercial and business oriented activities. Safety,
security, maintenance, freight, passenger, sustainability and so on are considered to be the technical
activities on issues relevant to the Middle-East-Railways which are launched in the shape of technical
seminars and workshops with technical support of UIC.

Cooperation with other UIC regions are important to spread the know-how of each member, especially with
Africa and Asia-Pacific.

Strategic action plan for UIC Middle East railways (2018-2020)

Current Outlook to the Middle East Railways (May 2017)

Innovative Ideas on Rail Training (2020)

UIC RAME Vision 2050 (March 2023)

UIC Middle East Members map

UIC Middle East Members map

UIC Technical Solutions
Railsilience: the work done by the UIC Covid-19 Task force
What is FRMCS, the Future Railway Mobile Communication System?


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