UIC Technical Solutions
Rail Event - More Trains for a better future, COP27
What is FRMCS, the Future Railway Mobile Communication System?


Screenshot thumb of https://dp-rail.eu/
Screenshot thumb of https://proactive-h2020.eu/
Screenshot thumb of https://bison-transport.eu/
BISON project
Screenshot thumb of https://safety4rails.eu/
Screenshot thumb of https://fundres-project.eu/
FUNDRES project
Screenshot thumb of https://locate-project.eu/
LOCATE project
Screenshot thumb of https://errac.org/
Screenshot thumb of https://railtoland.eu/
RAILtoLAND project

Calculate your emissions!

Check the emissions of your travel and the travel of the products you buy in the best possible way! EcoPassenger and EcoTransIT Worldare two user-friendly internet tools to compare the energy consumption, CO2- and exhaust atmospheric emissions for planes, cars and trains (and trucks) in Europe. With "the best possible way" we mean the most fair and comprehensive way. The methodology behind the calculations are sound scientific, focusing on a life cycle approach to the energy involved, and approved by the European Environment Agency.
Compare the energy consumption, the CO2 emissions (...)
Calculation and analysis of energy consumption and (...)
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